Availability of 5 GHz WLAN Channels in India under unlicensed band In India, Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing of Department of Telecom, under Ministry of Communication takes care of licensing of radio frequencies. In the latest National Frequency allocation plan 2018 (https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/NFAP%202018.pdf), Government of India (GoI), exempted the licensing requirements of the following radio frequency ranges for wireless usage and a gazette notification has also published for this (https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/License%20Exemption%20in%205%20GHz%20G_S_R_1048%28E%29%20dated%2022nd%20October%2C%202018_0.pdf) -- 1. 5150-5250 2. 5250-5350 3. 5470-5725 4. 5725-5875 References